About me

So, you are intrigued now. I hope that's a good sign.

I write, travel, think of ideas, and in general, do creative things. 🤷🏻‍♂️

My pathological curiosity led me to become an advertising creative, but only for a while then I transitioned to Product Design but with some little adventures in between.

Nobody is good at describing themselves, and I’m no exception, but the following text in an attempt to it.

I’ve always been a curious guy who loves learning new things. That’s why I studied Tourism and Advertising & Public Relations. In high school, I taught myself how to use Adobe software and HTML + CSS, which has been really useful for creating my own digital projects (my class’ website when I was 15 years old) – I may not be a coder, but I can read HTML and make changes.

After completing my Advertising degree, I knew I wanted to be a creative copywriter. So, I entered a contest for young creatives at Club de Creativos, the biggest creative association in Spain, and won! My prize was an internship at the most important creative agency in Spain at the time, Sra. Rushmore in Madrid.

Starting my creative career at the top agency was an amazing beginning. I did well and at the end of the internship, they offered me a job. But, a UK agency contacted me because they were opening a new office in Madrid and wanted me as part of their first creative team. I jumped at the opportunity to work at VCCP.

With VCCP, I went from being a Junior to a Senior copywriter. I helped the agency win over 30 international advertising awards and helped them become one of the top agencies in Spain.

After a few years, my previous agency Sra. Rushmore reached out and asked me to come back. I felt like I had accomplished what I set out to do at VCCP, so I returned. I felt like a mature creative copywriter and built great portfolio to show after all that. But, I felt like something was missing. I wanted to use my creativity in an industry that had a more tangible impact on real life. I didn’t know what that industry was yet, but I knew I needed a change.

So, I decided to quit and travel. I visited Thailand, Lao, Cambodia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Macao, Japan, and Australia. I spent a year exploring new cultures, enjoying delicious food and meeting new people. I even worked for accommodation in some places. It was an amazing experience!

As I travelled, I thought a lot about my experience in Advertising and the ups and downs of the industry. I decided to write a book about it, offering advice for new beginners. I stopped for a month in Koh Tao, Thailand to plan and write it. I finished 90% of it during that time.

While living in London, I became involved in the specialty coffee industry and eventually became a senior specialty coffee roaster. During this time, I also became interested in UX design and started learning more about it by taking online courses and attending workshops. I found the process of creating products that truly make a difference in people’s lives to be very fulfilling.

Then I joined to quester a B2B startup where I could applied everything I learnt and also all my transferable skills from advertising to help them growth way faster. Because of my proactive aptitude I very soon was leading the massive project to redesign of the whole product from scratch while the company was pivoting to find their PMF. 

During this time I led the project of creating the first cohesive design system aligning business, design and production teams and goals to allow them to iterate at a startup speed. Allowing product and dev team work smoothly and seamlessly. That was a beautiful journey and I really enjoyed.