Sergio Riquelme.
Product designer with 8+ experience in creative fields.
Based in London. Currently working at quester
Leading the product pivot to a social databasing tool (SaaS platform)
Quester 2.0
Creating and scaling the foundational design system for a B2C2B startup which helped it to iterate at 2x speed.
Quester Design System
A mobile app and social platform to review landlords.
Drop me a message!
You can email me to sergioriquelmesanchez@gmail.com
- Strategic design generalist skilled in leading design system development and AI feature design.
- Established UX methodologies to streamline processes and enhance product usability.
- Demostrable experience in transforming brand values into impactful, tangible products.
- Extensive experience with global brands across startup and corporate settings.
- Over 28 international awards in creativity.
Strategic design generalist skilled in leading design system development and AI feature design.
Established UX methodologies to streamline processes and enhance product usability.
Demostrable experience in transforming brand values into impactful, tangible products.
Extensive experience with global brands across startup and corporate settings.
Over 28 international awards in creativity.
This is not a project, but just a game for me. A game to show develop Figma skills by imitating real projects.